The Right Move Tournament (TRM 109) at Bethlehem Central Middle School on October 8, 2016
Sponsored by Alampalli Family and Dr. Ettouney
Location Address: 332 Kenwood Avenue, Delmar, NY (map)
Come and celebrate National Chess Day weekend with first Right Move chess tournament. Come and have fun! Shop at farmers market outside the tournament hall!
Begin at 10:00 AM. Players should be seated at their table by 9:50 for announcements.
All play four games: (Those who wish to help set up can meet at 8:30 AM) 10:00, 11:30, 1:00, and 2:15; Awards following 4th round completion
Fee: Preregistration (Free) on-line before October 6th and on-site before 9:30 AM to play Round 1.
USCF Rated Sections: Open (above 1400), King (1000-1400), Queen (601-1000), Rook (Under 600)
Non-USCF Member (Unrated) Sections: Awe (Adults Welcome), kNight (Grades 6-12), Bishop (Grades 3-5), Pawn (Grades K-2)
Time Control: (G/25, d/4) for Open Section (affects quick ratings only); (G/30, d5) for all other Sections. 1/2 point byes limited to one.
Awards: Trophies to top three player(s) in each section with 12 or more players (Trophies to top two players in sections less than 12 players). Medals for all with 2.5 points or more. (Exception: If you score 2 points and you are new to TRM tournaments you qualify for a medal.)
Team Awards: All scholastic players from one team, pick the top four scores and add them (from all sections) to come up with a team score. Teams scoring more than 10 points get a Team Trophy. (Only scholastic players can be part of the team. Players shall stay with the same team during the entire school year unless they change the school. They have to choose in the first tournament if they want to be part of a School or a Chess Club.)
Vouchers will be available after October 1st to Join/Renew USCF membership for scholastic players age 19 and under. Cost $9 for the year. (Cash or Checks payable to The Right Move. No Credit cards.) If you are interested in USCF membership for this tournament, see Tournament Director on-site before 9:30 AM.

Right Move president Sandeep and Executive Director Brother John playing a friendly game at Madison Street Fair on September 18, 2017.

Playing chess while having fun – motto of Right Move in action – at Madison Street Fair on September 18, 2016.
Advance Registrations (as of October 07, 2016 08:45 PM): On-line Registration Closed. See TD on-site before 9:30 AM.
USCF (rated) Sections:
- Sandeep Alampalli, AA, Open (Rd 1 bye) 1523 1.5
- Jack Berry, Albany High School 11 Queen 913 3.5
- Navin Bhavani Mahesh Bethlehem 4 Rook 274 2
- Rhamel Bynum Albany High School 12 King 1258 2.5
- Zachary Calderon Open withdraw
- Dacoda Clemons Albany High School 9 Knight 131 1
- Mike Cruz Albany High School Queen 800 3
- Robert Davis Bethlehem Middle School 7 Rook 483 3
- Khassan ElDebek, Ballston Spa HS, 12, King 1206 2
- Add: Jerry Fan, Queen 605 2
- John Femia King 1168 2
- Michael Fishburn BCMS 8 Rook ns
- Add: Ben Goldberg, 614 2
- Derin Gumustop Bethlehem Central High School 10 King 1403 4
- Yashna Hasija Queen 806 2.5
- Karl Heck Open 1699 3
- Jacob Hetman, HS 12 Open 1411 2.5
- Thomas Hetman, HS 4 Rook 211 0.5
- Aarush Iyengar, Hillside Elementary 3 Queen 613 1.5
- Aayushi Kejriwal Bethlehem 3 Rook 377 2
- Drew Klugman Bethlehem 8 King (Rd1 bye) 841 1.5
- Antonio Lacy Albany High School 11 Queen 772 2
- Erica Li Emma Williard 9 Open 1199 2.5
- Add; Jingxuan Liu, Open 1346 1.5
- Add: Mary Livingston, Queen 360 0
- Add: Drew Klugman, Bethlehem 8, King 841 1.5
- Dharini Madadi, AA, 6, Rook 110 1.5
- Balaji Mahadevan East Greenbush 5 Queen 972 3
- Michael Malatino Albany Academy 5 Rook 523 2.5
- Michael Martinkat boght Hills King 1192 1
- Kassi McTague Albany High 12 King 1093 1
- Joey Mercado Albany High School 11 Rook 495 2
- Sean Meek Bethlehem Middle School 5 Rook (Rd 1 bye) 425 1.5
- MichaelWalter Mockler Hard Knocks 17 Open 1815 3.5
- Spencer Moon — 11 King 1045 2
- Stephen Moon — King 1336 3
- Karthik Narayanan Bethlehem 3 King 1065 2.5
- Premjith Narayanan Bethlehem 13 Open 1224 1
- Abigail Nautel Bethlehem 7 Rook 450 2
- Grady Nautel Bethlehem 5 Rook 616 2.5
- Victor Nelson EGCC Rook 393 1
- Nitin Obla shaker high X Open 1436 0.5
- Aaditya Ojha Bethlehem Central 4 Queen 990 1
- Kieran Page, Fox Hill 5, Rook 653 3
- Shivansh Patel Poughkeepsie 6 Queen 825 3
- Purvayi Patil Bethlehem 5 Rook 420 2
- Add: Pretesh Prakash, Rook 565 3
- Nikhil Radosevich Bethlehem 6 Rook 382 1.5
- Ethan Rafferty Albany Academies 5 Queen 715 4
- Nicholas Rappazzo EGCC 9 Queen ns
- Pradham Rodda Boght Hills 6 Rook 214 1
- Rylen Rosenswig, Delaware community school, 5, Rook (Need USCF Renewal) ns
- Deon Santhosh Bethlehem 5 King 1036 2
- Shashank Satish, Craig 5, Rook 453 2.5
- Add: Catalina Varela, Queen 905 2.5
- Add: Carlos Varela, Open 1611 2
- Thihansa Waduthanthree, Dorothy Nolan ES, 2, Rook 100 1
- Michael Spinella Bethlehem high school 11 Rook 316 2
- Killian Whyte Albany Academy 11 Queen withdraw
- William Wu Bethlehem 6 King 1018 1
- Charles Xue Lake Avenue 4 King 1030 3
- Jeremiah Yin Westmere Elementary School 2 Rook 531 2.5
- Bowen Yu CCC Queen 533 1
- Sicheng Yu, CCC, Queen 682 1
- Henry Zheng CCC 6 Queen 560 1
- Lerchen Zhong — – Queen 938 3
- Rowechen Zhong — – Queen 830 2
- Yochen Zhong, — – Queen 593 2
Unrated Sections
- Akshaya Annam North Ridge Knights 3 Bishop 2
- Ashritha Annam North Ridge Knights 8 Knight ns
- Mahen Bitkuri, Pinebush ES, 5, Bishop ns
- Harika Byraju North Ridge Knights 3 Bishop 1
- Ping Chen East Greenbush Awe 0
- Dacia Clemons Albany High School 9 Knight ns
- Noah Droz Cornwall on the Hudson 4 Bishop 3
- Ken Evans, AWE 4
- Add: Eli Fiskel, Bishop 0
- Ann Furlong, East Greenbush 4, Bishop 0
- Gautham Gullapalli Stonegate Chess Club 1 Pawn 2.5
- Prathik Gullapalli Stonegate Chess Club 3 Bishop 3
- Prisha Hasija Pawn 2
- Rohit Hasija AWE 1
- Anise Hetman, HS 11 Knight ns
- Eliot Hetman, HS K Pawn 2.5
- Keith Hetman, AWE 2
- Nabil Hetman, HS 9 Knight 2
- Ajay Jacob, Awe 2
- Add: Abraham Jacob, Pawn 1.5
- Alexander Jacob Stonegate Chess Club 2 Bishop 1.5
- Teja Kilaru North Ridge Knights 5 Bishop 3
- Jaahnavi Kollapudi North Ridge Knights 3 Bishop 1.5
- Komali Kollapudi North Ridge Knights 7 Knight 2
- Harsha Kota Stonegate Chess Club 4 Bishop 3
- Add: JoshuaLevin, Knight, 2
- Jayshumier Maggs Albany high school 9 Knight 1.5
- Ryan Martinkat, Boght Hills, 6, Knight ns
- Emily Mayer Boght Hills 4 Bishop 4
- Monika Mommsen Fox Hill School 5 Bishop 2
- Peter Mommsen Fox Hill School Parent AWE ns
- Vidya Narra North Ridge Knights 1 Pawn 2
- Adarsh Neti, Tesago Elementary, 3, Bishop 3
- Medha Neti, Acadia Middle School, 6, Knight 3
- Prabhakar Neti, Acadia Middle School, AWE ns
- Rajani Nimma Stonegate Chess Club 7 Knight ns
- Lael Page AWE 2
- Shreya Raghu Bethlehem 6 Knight 3.5
- Sudhanva Rao Boght hills 6 Knight 1.5
- Add: Kane Robinson, Bishop 1
- Geethika Samineni Guilderland Elementary 2 Pawn 1.5
- Jacob Stansbury Hamagrael 5 Bishop ns
- Benedek Szalai Bethlehem 7 Knight 1
- Boglarka Szalai Glenmont 5 Bishop 1.5
- Aarya Tyagi Boght Hills 6 Knight ns
- Ira Upperpalli Stonegate Chess Club 1 Pawn 1
- Jai Upperpalli Stonegate Chess Club 3 Bishop 2
- Shyaam Vaasan Bethlehem 2 Pawn 4
- Manasvin Vishal Bethlehem 3 Bishop 2
- Mikolaj Wloszczynski Slingerland Elementary School 3 Bishop withddraw
- Joel Wong Karigon 2 Pawn withdraw
- Add: Bangsheng Yin, Awe 2
- Yibo Zhang East Greenbush 6 Knight 0
- Ken Zheng AWE 2