The Aurora Foundation, with the help of Price Chopper, Dunkin’ Donuts and Make the Right Move, is sponsoring three chess tournaments, outdoors at Albany’s Dana Park.
Tournament Dates: May 19, 2012, June 16,2012 and July 21,2012
Where: Dana Park (Madison, Lark and Delaware Ave. Junction), Albany (Inclement weather/ Rain – Community Room at Knox and Dana)
Prizes: $$$ certificates from area merchants valued to $50.
EF: $6.00 4 games, G/45 starting at 10:00 AM ending at 4:30 PM (Not USCF certified. No membership requirements.)
Sponsors: Aurora Foundation (501.3 c non-profit)
TD: Charles Eson. Sets, Boards, Clocks provided for players’ use during the tournament by Make The Right Move.
Sponsors: Price Chopper, Dunkin’ Donuts, …