The Right Move Tournament (TRM 102) at Albany High School on February 13, 2016
Sponsored by Dr. Mohammed Ettouney and Varela Family
Location Address: 700 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12203 (map)
Begin at 10:00 AM. Players should be seated at their table by 9:50 for announcements.
All play four games: (Those who wish to help set up can meet at 8:30 AM) 10:00, 11:30, 1:00, and 2:15; Awards following 4th round completion
Fee: Preregistration (Free) on-line before February 11th and on-site before 9:30 AM to play Round 1.
USCF Rated Sections: Open (above 1400), King (1000-1400), Queen (601-1000), Rook (Under 600)
Non-USCF Member (Unrated) Sections: Awe (Adults Welcome), kNight (Grades 6-12), Bishop (Grades 3-5), Pawn (Grades K-2)
Time Control: (G/25, d/4) for Open Section (affects quick ratings only); (G/30, d5) for all other Sections. 1/2 point byes limited to one.
Awards: Trophies to top three player(s) in each section with 12 or more players (Trophies to top two players in sections less than 12 players). Medals for all with 2.5 points or more. (Exception: If you score 2 points and you are new to TRM tournaments you qualify for a medal.)
Team Awards: All players (including adults playing in awe section) from one team, pick the top four scores and add them (from all sections) to come up with a team score. Top 10 teams win a Team Plaque and Certificate suitable for framing.
Vouchers are available at the tournament to Join/Renew USCF membership for scholastic players age 19 and under. Cost $9 for the year. (Cash or Checks payable to The Right Move. No Credit cards.) If you are interested in USCF membership for this tournament, see Tournament Director on-site before 9:30 AM.
Advance Registrations (as of February 11, 2016 11:00 PM): ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSED- SEE TD ONSITE BEFORE 9:30 AM
USCF (rated) Sections:
- Adam Aleksic, AHS, King
- Adam Alessio, AHS, 9, King
- Griffin Alterio, SJ-MP 4, Rook
- Ahmed Babiker, Albany High, 10, Rook
- Matt Belfance, SJ-MP 7, Queen
- Zach Belfance, SJ-MP 9, Rook
- Jack Berry, AHS, 10, Queen
- Rhamel Bynum, AHS 11, King
- Aubrey Nooks, AHS, 12, Queen
- Trevor Brooks, Poughkeepsie Day School, 5, Rook
- Miguel Cruz, AHS, 10, Rook
- Robert Davis, Bethlehem, 6, Rook
- Danny Diaz, AHS 12, King
- Evan Dong, SJ-MP 4, Rook
- Peter Dong, SJ-MP 5, Rook
- Stephen Dong, SJ-MP, Queen
- John Femia, King
- Lila Freeman, SJ-MP 8, Rook
- Mactier Freeman, SJ-MP 8, Rook
- Tanmay Goel, EGCC, 4, Rook
- Ronghai Gong, CCC, 9, Open,
- Harun Gopal, Shaker High school, 9, Queen
- Aarush Iyenger, Hillside, Rook
- Shruti Kamat, Goff MS, 8, Open
- Samuel Koblensky, EGCC, 9, Queen
- Antonio Lacy, AHS, 10, Queen
- Caden Legg, SJ-MP 6, Rook
- Erica Li, CCC Chinese, 7, King
- Rebecca Liu, Doane Stuart, 10, Rook
- Jingxuan Liu, Bethlehem, 10, Open
- Dharini Madadi, AA, 5, Rook
- Balaji Mahadevan, EGCC, 4, Queen
- Alan Majo, Menands, 8, Open
- Michael Malatino, AA, 4, Rook
- Connor McKenna, SJ-MP 6, Rook
- Kassi McTague, AHS, 11, King
- Caleb Meyer-Chabris, Lake Avenue ES, 3, King (Bye – RD 1)
- Aryan Mishra, EGCC, 4, King
- Nathaniel Mitzel, SJ-MP 8, Queen
- Michael Mockler, Hard Knocks, Open
- Spencer Moon, Homeschool, 10, Queen
- Stephen Moon, Homeschool, Adult, Queen
- Akkhil Morkonda, Genet, 5, Rook
- Edward Murphy, Tanglewood, 13, Open
- Luke Murphy, Tanglewood, 6, Queen
- Arjun Nair, AA, 4, Rook
- Karthik Narayan, Bethlehem, 2, Rook
- Premjith Narayan, Bethlehem, 13, King
- Nitin Obla, Shaker High, 9, Open
- Aman Patel, Kingston HS, 12, Rook
- Shivansh Patel, Titusville, 5, Rook
- Pozza, Devin, RR 12, Rook
- Pretesh Prakash, Farnsworth, 6, Queen
- Ethan Rafferty, AA, 4, Queen
- Rohm Ramsey, RR 5, Rook
- Nicholas Rappazzo, EGCC, 8, Queen
- Deon Santhosh, Bethlehem, 4, Queen
- Walter Snyder, Open
- Megan Sorbellini, SJ-MP 8, Rook
- Carlos Varela, Shaker Junior High, 13, Open
- Catalina Varela, Shaker Junior High, 7, King
- Tatiana Varela, Shaker Junior High, 8, Rook
- Giovanny Vicento, AHS, 10, Queen
- Sophia Wang, CCC, 7, Queen
- Jared Wargacki, EGCC, 9, King
- William Wu, Bethlehem, 5, Queen
- Charles Xue, CCC, 3, Queen
- Bowen Yu, CCC, Rook
- Sicheng Yu, Tasago, 2, Rook
Unrated Sections:
- Cassiel Achan, Martin Luther King, 7, Knight
- Jaden Achan, Martin Luther King, 2, Pawn
- Mohammad Ahead, AHS 11, Knight
- Adam Alessio, AHS 9, Knight
- Gabrielle Alterio, SJ-MP 1, Pawn
- Mohammad Ahead, AHS, 11, Knight
- Navin Bhavani Mahesh, Bethlehem, 3, Bishop
- Raj Biswas, PS119x 4, Bishop
- Ian Cho, RR 8, Knight
- Shyheim Davis, AHS, 12, Knight
- Nico Dentico, RR 1, Pawn
- Kevin Durgee, AWE
- Yashna Hasija, EG, Knight
- Satish Iyenger, Hillside, AWE
- Prathiksha Jeya venkatesh, Green Medow, 2 Pawn
- Isabelle Keller, SJ-MP 2, Pawn
- Aayushi Kejriwal, Bethlehem, 2, Pawn
- Luka Kim, RR 3, Bishop
- Gopal Krishan, AWE
- Bhavesh Kumar, Gowana MS, 8, Knight
- Mary Livingston, EGCC, 13, AWE
- Nitya Lnu, Chango ES, 2, Pawn
- Bhavani Mahesh, Bethlehem, 13, AWE
- John Mardigian, Forts Ferry, 3, Open
- Michael Martinkat, Boght Hills, AWE
- Ryan Martinkat, Boght Hills, 5, Bishop
- Bill Matters, EGCC, AWE
- Ahmad Maven, Albany High, 11, Knight
- Reese Mitzel, SJ-MP 2, Pawn
- Mahesh Mohandas, Bethlehem, 13, AWE
- Jayden Moore, AHS, 9, Knight
- Aashrith Morkonda, Genet, 1, Pawn
- Victor Nelson, EGCC, AWE
- Purvayi Patil, Bethlehem, 2, Pawn
- Shreya Raghu, Bethlehem, 5, Bishop
- Prashant Kumar Chowdhury Ramineni, Bethlehem, AWE
- Pradham Rodda, Boght Hills, 5, Bishop
- Samarth Sahota, Glenmont, 4, Bishop
- Krish Sharma, Bethlehem, 2, Pawn
- Harmaan Sidhu, AA, 2, Pawn
- Charles Spencer, AWE
- Lucan Tong, Chinese Community Center, 1, Pawn
- Prathiksha Jeya venkatesh, Green Medow, 2, Pawn
- Michael Vulakh, Brown 4, Bishop
- Fredric Winham, RR 5, Bishop
- Henry Zheng, Craig ES, 5, Knight