Many thanks to all those who participated in the Summer Rating Improvement Tournaments at RPI during June, July and August. These Fundraisers for Make the Right Move were a Public Relations success, even if they did not provide much financial assistance yet for The Right Move. The June 30 tournament, with 20 players turning out (with one section) raised $17.25. Jeffery LaComb won $100, while nine players shared second place prize of $6. Meanwhile the July 11 tournament, with ten players in the Pacuk section and 14 players in the Evans section, finished in the red by -$15.75. Deepak Aaron snared $100 first place prize, while Philip Sells, Phil Thomas and Koushik Pernati each won $17 for sharing second place. The Evans section had Nigel Galia snag first place trophy, with Joseph D’Alonzo beating out (Player of the Year 2009) Sumanth Gajjala on tiebreaks with 2.5 points, while Jonathon D’Alonzo tip-toed past Matthew Sherlock on tiebreak points with 2. August 11 remains to be played.