The Pan-American Youth Chess Tournament in Mexico this July (10-17) has chosen well as Martha Samadashvili will represent the Under-10 USA girls in this prestigious event. She is the only New York State representative chosen yet based on her results so far all indications are she can measure up to and surpass all expectations. Bill ‘Everything’ Matters, her mentor from the East Greenbush Chess Club, spoke glowingly of her most recent conquests and phenonmenal successes at the Chess Picnic at Christian Brothers Academy on June 18 as she engaged in a demonstration of Blitz chess against Coach of the Year Zachary Calderon. Good luck, Martha. Vaya con dios!
July 28, 2014: Here are the results– Beyond Simply Amazing…
Top 3 U10 Girls: Congratulations to Martha on her continuing voyage!!
1 WCM Samadashvili Martha 0 USA – 9
2 WCM Dommalapati Aasa 0 USA – 7
3 WCM Mena Martinez Brisa 0 MÉX – 6½