TRM 97 at SUNY on November 7, 2015

By | October 25, 2015

The Right Move Tournament (TRM 97) at SUNY, Albany on November 7, 2015

Sponsored by Albany Community Charter School and Albany Academy Chess Club

Location Address: (Empire Commons) 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222 (map)

Begin at 10:00 AM Players should be seated at their table by 9:55 for announcements.

All play four games: (Those who wish to help set up can meet at 8:30 AM)  10:00, 11:30, 1:00, and 2:15; Awards following 4th round completion

Fee: Preregistration (Free) on-line before November 5th and on-site before 9:30 AM to play Round 1.

USCF Rated Sections: Open (above 1400), King (1000-1400), Queen (601-1000), Rook (Under 600)

Non-USCF Member (Unrated) Sections: Awe (Adults Welcome), kNight (Grades 6-12), Bishop (Grades 3-5), Pawn (Grades K-2)

Time Control: (G/25, d/4) for Open Section (affects quick ratings only); (G/30, d5) for all other Sections. 1/2 point byes limited to one.

Awards: Trophies to top three player(s) in each section with 12 or more players (Trophies to top two players in sections less than 12 players). Medals for all with 2.5 points or more.  (Exception: If you score 2 points and you are new to TRM tournaments you qualify for a medal.)

Team Awards: All players (including adults playing in awe section) from one team, pick the top four scores and add them (from all sections) to come up with a team score.  Top 10 teams win a Team Plaque and Certificate suitable for framing.

Vouchers are available at the tournament to Join/Renew USCF membership for scholastic players age 19 and under. Cost $9 for the year. (Cash or Checks payable to The Right Move. No Credit cards.) If you are interested in USCF membership for this tournament,  see Tournament Director on-site before 9:30 AM. 


Photo from Bethlehem Classic on October 24, 2015


Photo from Bethlehem Classic on October 24, 2015

Advance Registrations (as of November 6, 2015 07:30 PM): 

USCF (rated) Sections

  1. Dilip Aaron, Open 2
  2. Adam Aleksic, AHS, 9, Queen 2.5
  3. Matthew Belfance, MP, 7, Rook 4
  4. Zachary Belfance, MP, 9, Queen 1
  5. Jack Berry, AHS, 10, Rook 3.5
  6. Rhamel Bynum, King 2.5
  7. Aubrey Nooks, AHS, 12, King
  8. Rhamel Bynum, AHS, 11, King
  9. Zachary Calderon Open 4
  10. Andrew Cerf, Bethlehem, 6, Rook 3
  11. Ellie Cerf, Bethlehem, 4, Rook 2.5
  12. Matt Cerf, Beth, Queen 2.5
  13. Alan Diaz, MP, 7, Rook 2
  14. Danny Diaz, King 3
  15. Brian Dobosh, Northeastern University, 13, Open ns
  16. Evan Dong, MP, 3, Rook 1
  17. Peter Dong, MP, 4, Rook 2
  18. Stephen Dong, MP, 8, Queen 2
  19. Luke Fallati, HVC, 9, Rook 2
  20. Michael Fishburn, Bethlehem, 7, Rook 3
  21. Lila Freeman, MP, 6, Queen 1
  22. Mactier Freeman, MP, 8, Rook 2
  23. Elizabeth Gialanella, AHS, Queen 2
  24. Ronghai (David) Gong, GHS, 9, Open
  25. Ronghai Gong, Open 1.5
  26. Derin Gumustop, Bethlehem, 9, King 2
  27. Grace Hallinan, MP, 8, Rook
  28. Sean Hallinan, MP, 4, Queen 1
  29. Karl Heck, Open 3
  30. Max Heller, AA, 9, Queen 1.5
  31. Samuel Koblensky, EGCC, 9, Queen 3
  32. Erica Li, CCC, 7, Queen 4
  33. Blaise Loya, Loya, 3, King 2.5
  34. Melodie Loya, Loya, 5, King 1
  35. Theo Loya, Loya, 1, Rook 2
  36. Connor McKenna, MP, 6, Rook 1
  37. Ryan McKenna, MP, 10, Rook 1
  38. Balaji Mahadevan, EGCC, 4, Queen 2
  39. Alan Majo, Menands School, 8, Open 1
  40. Benjamin Matsuo, AA, 4, Rook 1.5
  41. Isaac Matsuo, AA, 1, Rook
  42. Caleb Meyer-Chabris, Lake Avenue ES, 3, King 3
  43. Aryan Mishra EGCC, 4, Queen 3
  44. Nathaniel Mitzel, MP, 8, Rook 2.5
  45. Michael Mockler, Open 2
  46. Spencer Moon, Homeschool, 10 Queen
  47. Stephen Moon, Homeschool, AWE
  48. Arjun Nair, AA, 4, Rook 2
  49. Aubrey Nooks, King 1
  50. Ethan Rafferty, AA, 4, Queen 3
  51. Shreyas Raman, FMS, 8, King
  52. Nicholas Rappazzo, EGCC, 8, Queen 3
  53. Rylen Rosenswig, DCS, 4, Rook 1
  54. Deon Santhosh, Bethlehem, 4, Queen
  55. Cameron Slutzky, Queen 1
  56. Serigne Sow, Rook 3
  57. David Sterner, AHS, Open 1.5
  58. Sebastian Stote, MP, 3, Rook 1.5
  59. Ned Van Loan, MP, 5 Queen 0
  60. Carlos Varela, SJHS, Open 2
  61. Catalina Varela, SJHS, 7, Queen 3
  62. Tatiana Varela, SJHS, 8, Rook 2.5
  63. Giovanny Vicento,AHS, 10, Queen 2.5
  64. Jared Wargacki, EGCC, 9, King 1
  65. William Wu, Bethlehem, 5, Rook 2
  66. Bowen Yu, Rook 2
  67. Sicheng Yu, Tesago, 2, Rook 2.5
  68. Lerchen Zhong, Rook 2
  69. Rowechen Zhong, Queen 2
  70. Yochen Zhong, Rook 0.5

Unrated Sections

  1. Yousef Abdelmagid, Knight 3
  2. Tayshawn Bailey, Knight 2.5
  3. Dwayne Bass, AWE 1
  4. Navin Bhavani Mahesh, Bethlehem 2 Pawn 2
  5. Kwayme Boyake, Pawn 3
  6. Anthony Brown, Knight 1
  7. Te’Jaughn Cliton, Knight 1.5
  8. Miguel Cruz, AHS, 10, Knight 4
  9. Linus Driscoll, MP, 4, Bishop 3
  10. Noah Droz, Cornwall on the Hudson, 3, Bishop 3
  11. Bryce Esannason, Pawn ns
  12. Luke Fallati, Knight 1
  13. Ashok Gillette, AA, 3, Bishop 2.5
  14. Darrian Gooden, AWE 2
  15. Grace Hallinan, Knight 3
  16. Nathan Haney, EGCC, 6,,Knight
  17. Yashna Hasija, EGCC, 5, Bishop 4
  18. Marcus Henson, Knight 1
  19. Nia Hensen, Bishop 1
  20. Joseph Holland, Knight 2.5
  21. Benjamin Hsieh, FMS, 7, Knight 1
  22. Jaden Incalcaterra, Knight 3
  23. Ian Johnson, Bishop 1
  24. Monte Johnson-Trotter, Knight 2
  25. Izaiah Janes, Bishop 0
  26. Ayushi Kejriwal, Bethlehem, 2, Pawn
  27. Leo Lee, Bishop 2.5
  28. Mary Livingston, EGCC, AWE 2.5
  29. Nitya Lnu, Pawn ns
  30. Ayushi Kejriwal, Pawn 2
  31. Bhavesh kumar Lnu, Gowana MS, 8, Knight
  32. Nitya Lnu, Chango ES, 2, Pawn
  33. John Mardigian, FortsFerry, 3, Bishop 2.5
  34. Bill Matters, EGCC, AWE 3.5
  35. Kevin Maxwell, SUNY Delhi, AWE ns
  36. Mahesh Mohandas, Bethlehem, 13, AWE 2
  37. Karthik Narayan, Bethlehem, 2, Pawn 3
  38. Premjith Narayan, Bethlehem, 13, AWE 3
  39. Victor Nelson, AWE 1
  40. Purvayi Patil, Bethlehem, 2, Pawn 2
  41. Temar Phillips Knight 1
  42. Shreya Raghu, Bethlehem, 5, Bishop 3.5
  43. Ramone Riveria, Bishop 1
  44. Pradham Rodda, Boght Hills ES, 5, Bishop ns
  45. Selcyus Rorie, Knight 1.5
  46. Krish Sharma, Bethlehem, Pawn 0
  47. Anthony Taylor, Bishop 1
  48. Kadonn White, Bishop 2
  49. Kevin Wong, SUNY, 13, AWE ns