Nine years strong, 2004-2013, challenges facing scholastic chess mirror educational situations around the Greater Capital District area. Finding venues for our tournaments remains a “tough go” for schools waiting to hear from their Districts regarding financial obligations. As of August 1 we still have many slots “to be determined”. The Right Move feels confident these difficulties will be met. Next comes conquering the Middle / High School aura as the major obstacle to filling the mind-boggling potential of chess. Since The Right Move receives virtually no coverage from radio, newspaper (other than the Gazette, thanks to Bill Townsend) and TV the only forms of advertising are Internet and word of mouth. Numbers are misleading. Many middle and high school chessplayers are out there. They’re just not getting to the FREE tournaments serving the greater capital district for the last eight years! Let’s turn that around and fill the Grades 6-12 sections of our tournaments with people willing and able to face the challenges!