Capital District TRM Tournaments

By | November 3, 2018

About Our Tournaments – All of our tournaments are free!!!

Our Tournaments begin at 10:00 AM, players should be seated at their table by 9:50 for announcements.  Those who wish to help set up can meet at 8:30 AM. 

Tournaments consist of four games starting at: 10:00, 11:30, 1:00, and 2:15.  We offer a 1/2 point bye, limited to one.

Online registration is available until 6:00 PM of the Thursday before the tournament.  On-site registration is available the day of the tournament until 9:15 AM (to play Round 1)- STRICTLY ENFORCED.


If you register online and do not show up, or do not send us an email letting us know you can’t make the tournament (by 9:15 am the day of the tournament) you will be assessed a $5.00 fee at your next tournament. 


There are four USCF Rated Sections: Open (all players rated above 1400 must play open), King (players rated above 1000), Queen (players rated above 600), and Rook.

We also offer four Non-USCF Member (Unrated) Sections, but STRONGLY encourage USCF membership: Awe (Adults Welcome), kNight (Scholastic players up to Grade 12), Bishop (Scholastic Players up to Grade 5), Pawn (Scholastic Players up to Grades 2)

Our Time Control: (G/25, d/4) for Open Section (affects quick ratings only); (G/30, d5) for all other Sections.

Awards: Trophies are awarded to the top three player(s) in each section with 12 or more players (Trophies to top two players in sections less than 12 players). Medals are awarded to all players with 2.5 points or more.  Players that are new to TRM (1st, 2nd, or 3rd TRM tournament) will be awarded a medal with a score of 2 points.

Team Awards: All scholastic players from one team, pick the top four scores and add them (from all sections) to come up with a team score.  Teams scoring more than 12 points at a tournament get a certificate. Only scholastic players can be part of the team. Players shall stay with the same team during the entire school year unless they change the school. They have to choose in the first tournament if they want to be part of a School or a Chess Club.