August Arrives, Cooler?

By | August 1, 2015

Here are some happenings in the chess arena this time of year (Please send emails to to update even more: Also, visit

IGM Manuel Aaron, India, continues his appearances at Proctors on Thursday from 11:30 – 1:00, playing Blitz and sharing chess info among all. All Welcome to play, learn or just watch!

Needed: Chess instructor for 8-18 children ages 5-12 (grades K-6) at Malta Montessori School, one day a week from 3:00 – 4:00 or 3:15 – 4:15 from September through May.
Contact Mary Boykin email

Zach’s Graduation party celebrated August 1st in Schenectady before he moves on to conquer Brooklyn College.

NYS Chess Championship returns to Albany’s Marriot Sept 2-4 this year.