Hope all of you have settled well in schools after the fun and healthy summer!! As we welcome you for 2021-22 TRM year, we would like to confirm that Board has unanimously decided to conduct the tournaments ONLINE at least until December 2021. This decision was made considering COVID restrictions and limited availability of school facilities to conduct the tournaments in person. Board will continue to evaluate the situation on regular intervals and keep you updated for any changes. Meanwhile, below are the details of first tournament, TRM 153, scheduled to happen on October 9, 2021. Check below for more details. Game rules will be based on the rules published for online tournaments on the US Chess Federation website.
Tournament Details
Date |
Saturday, October 09, 2021 |
Platform |
lichess (Click on link to create free account ONLY in case you do not have an account) |
Registration |
Register (Open until 6:00 pm, October 7, 2021 ) |
USCF Rated Sections*
*Subject to change based on number of registrations |
1. Open (Online Regular rating of 1400 and above)
2. King (Online Quick rating up to 1399)
3. Queen (Online Quick rating up to 999)
4. Rook (Online Quick rating up to 599) |
Unrated Rated Sections*
*Subject to change based on number of registrations |
1. Awe (Adults Welcome)
2. kNight (Up to and including Grade 12)
3. Bishop (Up to and including Grade 5)
4. Pawn (Up to and including Grade 2) |
Time Control |
All sections except Open : G / 20; inc 3 sec
Open: G / 30; inc 5 sec |
Rounds |
All sections except Open: 4 Rounds ( @2:00 pm, @2:45 pm, @3:30 pm, @4:15 pm)
Open: 3 Rounds (@2:00 pm, @ 3:15 pm, @4:30 pm) |
We strongly encourage you to send us an email or text us @ 509-263-8897 by 8:00 am on the day of tournament in case you would like to withdraw from the tournament.
Awards: All the winners of USCF rated and unrated section will receive chess books as awards.
Team Awards: There will not be any team awards this year.
Advance Registrations as of 10/8/21
USCF Rated Section
- Fawole, John; fawolizzo; 15748327; Open
- Hemanth, Dheeksha; dragondhk; 30051044; Queen
- Howard, Dean; root50; 10126797; Open
- Iyengar, Advait; BlackKnight04; 30095190; Rook
- Kandlakunta, Sheetanshu; sheetanshuk; 16234561; Queen
- King, Alexander; Aklr; 16954140; Rook
- livingstone, mike; 256; 2564; Queen
- Longmire-El, LaPharaoh; OurTrippyTribe11; 17152801; Queen
- MADDALI, KRISHNA; chessKM2010; 16651084; Queen
- Maddali, Chinmayi; chessCM2010; 16651104; Queen
- Mahadevan, Balaji; saibm; 15383237; King
- Mahadevan, Shankar; saism; 17297300; Queen
- Malapaka, Siddharth; SM1113; 30181674; King
- Nagarajan, Rethwick; revthannag; 16955075; Queen
- Nair, Arjun; DrCheckmateArjun; 15676585; Queen
- Neti, Adarsh; adarshneti; 16584484; Open
- Ranga, Venkat Rajpavan; LegendTime; 30163457; Rook
- Srinivas, Aashish; chaturanga01; 17064607; Rook
- Wright, Walli; WalterW-hces; 17138050; Rook
- Yarwood, Zachary; zyarw613; 16845436; Rook
UCSF Unrated Section:
- Chen, Mingrui; MingruiChen; Bishop
- Cui, Brian; Briancui; Bishop
- Desineni, Priyanka; mathupr; AWE
- Desineni, Arjun; Arjunpop; Knight
- Fonteront, James; Hokkaido; Bishop
- Garcia, Raphael; RGarcia1; AWE
- Gokulan, Adhavan; zooba2012; Bishop
- Hinestroza, Savyon; Thunderstrike826; Knight
- Jacob, Abraham; miliajey; Knight
- Jacob, Alexander; miliajey; Knight
- Jayawardena, Ashinsa; supergirlarj; Bishop
- Kandlakunta, Bhavyanshu; bhavyanshuk; Pawn
- Karthik, Hasini; smilehk; Knight
- Murichi, Josiah; Sonics2; Bishop
- Newman, Michael; mnewman; AWE
- Ranga, Rametja; LegendBrother4; Bishop
- Ravilla, Chaitan Sri; Chaitan; Bishop
- RAYAVARAM, VIHAAN; chessMasterVihaan; Bishop
- Roddam, Nihal; Jeeva1226; Knight
- Vert, Peter; gotochess123; Pawn
- Yalla, Aditshiva; adtishivay; Knight